Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I've been away....

Hi everyone, I'm sorry I haven't posted.  The same day I posted on June 6th, my Mom went into the hospital.  I flew out Wednesday, arrived just in time for her to know that I was there.  She fell into a coma that night and passed away on June 9th.  I was there for two weeks, got sick, bronchitis then pneumonia.  Now going through Mom's stuff.  Every where I look I see 7 years of memories of her life with us.  So, I'm not the most upbeat person to be posting.  Slowly I can feel my spirituality coming back, glimmers of it.  I can choose to be depressed and go to a very dark place, but I won't go there.  When I'm sad, I cry.  Then I will play some Amy Winehouse or some old time Cuban conga music.  I am in the midst of packing up her things and ours since we are moving in August.  Posting may be intermittent, but I will be back sharing recipes and experiences.

Oh by the way when I was down there I went to a Spiritist center (not to be confused with Spiritualism).  My cousin is a Spiritist, and the week that we buried my Mom I went to a weekly Spiritist meeting my cousin attends.  Let's just say it was very cathartic.  Interesting to see the metaphysical/mystical side of Christianity.  Channeling takes place, spiritual healings.  Half of it I can't remember because I was in the center of the circle and my legs gave out, and I had to be held up by one of the female mediums.  I could feel the tears rolling down my face and sounds coming forth from deep inside of me.  My body moved to the sounds of the chants, Spirit spoke through the mediums.  I was aware of what was happening, never completely out of it, I know I could've stopped this at any time, but I felt this was good for me.  I felt that psychic blocks were being removed.  I was lead by the hand by one of mediums, Spirit spoke through him, he walked me around the entire circle and said this is your path, you must walk it.  It is the work of the soul, to grow, to heal yourself and others, all with the goal of enlightenment, acts of charity.  After things calmed down the female medium that was holding up said that I was a medium, and that I should try and develop my mediumistic skills.  Its as if you don't develop what your soul has come to do in this incarnation, you stunt your growth spiritually. I just know that I have never in my life have experienced anything like that.  I've visited this place before over 12 years ago, but I never participated. What I like about this place, they charage no money, everything is on a donation basis.  If you feel you have a bad spirit that has attached itself to you, they will channel that spirit and send it towards the light.  This is their act of kindness to you and to the soul that needs to move on. 

I was hoping my Mom would come through, but she didn't.  She has visited my cousin in a dream two days after she passed away.  In the dream she was laughing and happy.  She told her she didn't want us to suffer or cry.  She said she is fine, she already saw her mother and her sisters.  Then my sister had a dream with her last week, she was sitting in her living room, looking 20 years younger and again she was laughing.  She said look, I can walk, I don't need that walker anymore.  Visitations like this give me peace.  I know when I cross over she will be the first beautiful face I will see.

So, I'm going to end this for today, I'm getting sad and the happy music has ended on my Ipod.  Need to get that rockin' music going and cook something up for dinner.  Thank you for your patience.

Blessed Be.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Good morning everyone.  Didn't know what to post today, but after a stressful evening last night, I know what I have to post about.  We woke up last night at around midnight by someone yelling and pounding on our front door.  It was my neighbor's son.  His father was having some kind of seizure and they couldn't hold him down.  I just remember my husband jumping out of bed, I think that was what really woke me up.  Next thing I know we are across the street in our best friend's house and there is our neighbor is in the middle of seizure, eyes rolled back and foaming at the mouth.  His wife frantically calling 911, and his sons and my husband yelling at him to breathe and not fight.  They got him on his side and tried to keep him from hurting himself.  After what seemed like 20 minutes (I'm sure it wasn't that long) the ambulance arrived.  I followed to the hospital and the sons waited for their aunt to drive to take them there.  Our neighbor suffers from a brain injury, he fell off of a balcony 12 years ago, and is disabled, its amazing he is still alive.  So today I will be back at the hospital, and I am going to ask for something very personal.  Whichever way you pray, or to whom you pray, please send loving light and thoughts to my friend, his name is Joe.  I'm off to try and get in to the hospital before official visiting hours.  Thank you all.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Packing up Magickal Stuff

I've been packing my little heart out, finally had to pack up my blue room (magickal, mystical, meditation room).  I want to get as much packed as possible and just live with the minimum of stuff, so when it comes time to move I can pretty much pack everything in 3 days.

The hardest items to pack was my altar and my magickal "stuff".  First books, I packed them away.  I started to panic!  I can't live without my books.  So I decided to keep three and ended up with five.  Magickal Housekeeping by Tess Whitehurt, There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, Wayne W. Dyer, Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, Scott Cunningham, Infinite Quest, John Edward, Utterly Wicked by Dorothy Morrison,  American Folk Magick, Silver Ravenwolf and All New Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew (how'd that get n there?) oh wait that makes six.  Six books to get me through the next three months.  Then I packed my candles, not too hard.  Kept out the ones I had made (which have been working divinely I might add).  I went back to the packed box ad pulled out some white candles and some red candles and added that to the green candles I hadn't packed.  Then I decided to keep a few spell kits I had purchased (you never know).  Herbs and oils, yes, yes I did, I packed them all.  Dolls, lace, string all packed for the move.  Put away my Runes and all my tarots cards, changed my mind and kept one set out (The Physchic Tarot).  Then came the moment of truth, the actual altar.  I decided to keep only my 7 day candles.  Oh but I need my smudge stick for my morning ritual.  Not bad, two 7 day candles and a smudge stick.  Hey what if  need to do a spell, so I kept my little box of tools in case I want to do a spell, which I probably will.  Oh, then I decided I needed my cauldron and my aura cleansing spray, my protection spray and peaceful house spray.  I did pack my feather and glass pentacle, I have a small one in my magick box.  So much for streamlining my altar!  I didn't realize I was so high maintenance.  I love accessories, magickal ones.  Well, guess I did make some strides and now lets see how the next few months pan out.  I miss my stuff already (heavy sigh).

If you had to pack up your altar, what items would you absolutely have to keep?  How attached are you to your magickal accessories?  I'd appreciate any ideas.  Any multi-purpose uses?   I want to keep it simple, which is not working.....

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Buddy my dog.

Hope everyone had a lovely Holiday weekend.  I feel like I'm stepping out of a fog.  It was actually very relaxing this weekend.  Didn't plan on posting today, but I have to share this picture with you.  We can learn a lot from animals, you got it...stop and smell the roses.  Look at his face, I'm not sure if he is smelling the roses or scoping out a bee to eat.  You never know with Buddy (everyone this is Buddy.).  I'm just thankful that he grew tired of eating the siding on my house, oh and he is no longer digging holes, and he ceased licking Goliath (my 4 lb. Yorkie) until he looks like he stepped out of a bath.  Besides those things there are some life lessons.  For instance: bark if you have to, sometimes its necessary.  If you stay outside long enough you get used to the wet dog smell, just don't come in the house!  If you've got an itch, scratch it, no matter where it is.  If a bird flies by....watch it intently..... until another bird happens by.  Grab a ball and run with it, if anyone tries to take it from you...snarl. Don't pick on smaller dogs.  Mark your territory, just don't mark it on the Chihuahua's head.  Appreciate everything you eat, drool over it, savor it.  Yes Buddy has taught me many things, such as marking my territory (in a different way of course), bark sometimes, stand my ground,  try different foods (just no aluminum siding).  Run because I can, sit and watch the wildlife in my backyard, and love unconditionally. So with these happy little thoughts I leave you for now.  I'm off to buy boxes for packing.  I figure if I pack up everything, I won't have to clean the house and I can focus on blogging, crafts, art journaling and playing with my dogs along with whatever little critters the Goddess puts in my path.  Have a great day.

Blessed Be.

Monday, May 30, 2011

I'm Addicted....to YouTube!

Last week I wrote that I was getting my art on. Well, I am, I'm doing art journals.  Since starting this blog, its all been about expressing myself.  I express myself through food, crafts and words.  I'm not a writer and I'm not an artist, but I have a pretty good imagination (I hope).  I know you do, or else you wouldn't have found my blog.  This path that we are on puts us in touch with the creativity inside of us.  Visualizing a circlem, doing a guided meditation, creating a ritual from scratch requires us to focus within and let our inner vision create for us.  Sounds pretty imaginative to me.  What has inspired me....YouTube.  All these talented artists out there sharing their work, their techniques and teaching us!  It gives us permission to play.  The child inside of us who used to like to play with crayons and clay peeks out from behind our grown-up eyes and asks "Is the coast clear, are the grown-ups gone? YAY!"  That is what I've experienced watching YouTube.......endlessly.  One who stands out for me is Suzi Blu .  She is quirky funny, magical and talented.  Her videos will make you laugh and inspire you at the same time.  I've already signed up for one of her classes at her website Suzi Blu's Les Petit Academy.  I like her style and her attitude.  Another person JournalArtista (just type in her name when you get to YouTube because I'm having issues again with blogger).  If you happen to get inspired like I did, check our her video on supplies.   I was actually able to make an art journal entry that I love.  I love to touch it, if I were a dog I'd probably lick it (LOL! I crack myself up sometimes), its got all these great cool textures and sexy colors.  Why am I doing this? I don't know.  I sure am enjoying it though.  I know it will work its way into my rituals, my worship and my life. Check these two ladies out.  Let me know what you think.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Christian blogger picking on Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom!

Really, no really.  Are you serious?  It really is disgusting to see women knocking other women.  I know it happens, I don't like it.  Now what makes this evil to me, Mrs. B. is being criticized for her faith.  I'm not even going to quote the article her blog is Time Warp Wife.  All I am going to do is ask nicely if you would please go over to Confessions of A Pagan Soccer Mom and vote through her link for top 25 faith based blogs by women.  Share this with your friends, they don't even have to be pagans, just have an open mind and despise prejudice.  I know I don't have a huge following, but let's get together, forward this to as many people as we can and keep Mrs. B in the top 25, better yet let's make her #1.  I would love to see Mrs. B beat her at this.  That would probably really irritate her, which would make me smile : )

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Vote for Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom!

OK, so I'm a few days late, but better late than never.  I just saw this this morning.   I just reposted Mrs. B's post of a few days ago.  Circle of Moms website is looking to find the top 25 faith based blogs by moms.  Someone very kindly nominated Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom.  The post below will take you to Mrs. B's website where you can follow the link and vote for her!  Let's vote for this very smart funny lady, great mom and good friend!  Oh and you can vote every day!